Wednesday, September 9, 2009

A Quick Parent Moment

Just a quick post tonight. Work took most of my day today. Everyone is back from vacation and eager to get going on the work to be done this fall - no time to snooze. 

I got a very small window of time to share with my daughter today before her first day of preschool. I'd worried that she'd resist going back. I didn't need to worry. 

"Daddy, where's my lunch box?" I heard around 7 a.m. this morning as I got back from a jog. 

My daughter was standing at the top of the stairs in her pajamas and holding her teddy bear. It was just one of those moments that shines up out of an otherwise ordinary day like a lost diamond earring. She just sparkled. 

"She's napping," my wife said when I called around 4 p.m. "She had a great day at school."

I thought about that little face all day and well into my evening. It was late when I finally got home and I had just a little time to sit with her while she got ready for bed. 

I wish I could have been there to see her off. I'm know my wife was there, but it must have been wonderful. Seeing her at the end of today was a little like coming out of a dark building into the red light of a lovely sunset; you know it must have been a beautiful day. 

She's such a good kid. 

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